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The Electricity Market is Opening in January 2024

This Monday Lubbock Power and Light on Monday said it has completed connecting the last 30% of electricity customers to the new network with the Electric Reliability Council of Texas. This is a historic event for the City of Lubbock and teh region.

After 8 years, the largest migration of electrical load in state history is now complete. 100 percent of customers are connected to the ERCOT grid. It is significant to note that all conversion work was completed without a single safety incident.

Now we can all focus on getting the best rate in the retail competitive market over the next 90 days.

There will be a six-week shopping window from January 5 – February 15, 2024, to shop for a new provider. Then, starting in March 2024, all customers will be migrated to their chosen providers over the course of the month. Lubbock residents will get their last power bill from LP&L in March. Lubbock’s municipally owned utility will then transition to strictly being a “transmission and distribution” utility whose primary focus will be the safe and efficient delivery of power to residents and businesses.

Electricity Lubbock TX Power



Force electricity companies to compete! Electricity providers will offer a lower price because they know they are competing for the business. This drives your price down…

Lubbock TX City Council Vote on Electricity

Then on Tuesday, the Lubbock City Council members approved the next step for Lubbock’s historic switch to the ERCOT grid and the competitive electric market. Now it’s time for customers to start shopping.

Many are anxious and want to understand the process to make sure that they get the best possible electricity rate.

Rest assured if you forget or procrastinate, you won’t be left in the dark. Customers will be assigned a default provider Lubbock has already established. And there will be opportunities to switch a new, better/cheaper electricity plan even after you are pushed to the default provider and electric rate.