Zip 79382 is a competitive market
Electricity Prices in 79382 Zip code
Whether you are a local business searching for the best electric plan or a resident hunting for the lowest electricity price for your house or home, you can now make electricity companies compete for your business.

Electricity Prices in 79382
This website is available to all electricity providers to list their electricity prices, so people can compare offers and choose the lowest electricity price (best electric plan) that is available on the market when you need to switch or connect a new business or home.

Current Electric Prices
As of February 2025, electricity prices have been ranging from $.06 per kWh to $.12 per kWh.
Why does one electricity company in the 79382 zip code have a better rate than the next?
~ It boils down to how much electricity they buy in bulk, in advance. The more they buy, the cheaper it is.
~ Varying price models will charge customers that use a certain amount of electricity more than others.
~ How efficiently they run their company and the level of customer service impacts the price they can offer.
~ How much profit they want to make versus their competitors.
Ready to make the switch to save some money?
Not ready to make the move?
About Switching Electricity Providers in 79382
How to switch electric providers.
Once you sign up online, you have three (3) business days to cancel without penalty, even if the Terms of Service has a penalty. You will also receive a mailer from Texas confirming your switch request as well as details on how to cancel.
When will my electricity switch occur?
Your new electric service plan will take effect within seven business days.
Will my electric service be interrupted?
No. Switching to another electric company will not interrupt your electricity service, and the reliability of your service will not be affected by your choice of provider.
Will the reliability of my electricity service change?
No. Regardless of which electric company you choose, your electricity will continue to be delivered safely and reliably by the same local wires company, which is regulated by the Public Utility Commission.

Electricity Plans in 79382 Zipcode
Choosing a new plan is simple… the lowest price, right? Just contact the company you’ve chosen and tell them you’d like to switch, or sign up on their website. They’ll send you a Terms of Service agreement, which is your new contract. Review it carefully! After you receive it you’ll have three business days to cancel without penalty, even if your Terms of Service has a penalty. You will receive a postcard from Texas’ ERCOT confirming your switch request with instructions on how to cancel if need be.
How to Get the Lowest Electricity Price in 79382

Multiple Prices
Be sure to get independent, unbiased options that are unambiguous with simple terms. Then, compare multiple electricity providers to get the right plan and best rate for your house, home, or business.

Best Rate Today
Electricity can be one of the greatest operating expenses a company faces, so make sure you’re getting the best energy rate possible by making big electricity companies compete for your business.

Quick Turnaround
For businesses, brokers can do the legwork for you by analyzing your electricity usage (load), requesting bids from providers, then reviewing terms to select the deal that suits your company’s operation.