Lubbock is getting close to opening up electric competition to force electricity companies to compete for the business of residents and local companies. The goal is to lower electricity rates and offer customers various electricity plans based on their needs. Though we’re all ready and have seen advertisements all over the place from electricity retailers, the market is not quite ready yet.
At this time, people should be wary of front door scams because electricity companies are not yet allowed to sign up any customers in Lubbock for a new electricity plan. Nonetheless, now is a good time to start to better understand how it all works, research the process, and get a handle on how to get the lowest price on electricity in Lubbock, TX.
Why The Delay?
Government officials and managers at Lubbock Power & Light have provided an updated timeline on when electric competition will come to Lubbock. The process has been delayed pending one final federal approval. The new timeline is based on having the last 30% percent of customers switch from the old southwest power pool to the ERCOT grid. When that final customer is converted over to ERCOT, competition can begin.

Force electricity companies to compete! Electricity providers will offer a lower price because they know they are competing for the business. This drives your price down…
When Will Electricity Market Open?

The launch is expected to happen near the very end of the year, and customers can begin choosing their electric company, electricity price and plan in January 2024.
Remember that if residential customers in Lubbock and local businesses do not choose a retailer, there are safety net providers so no one will go without electricity and power. Any customer that has not chosen a provider by the announced deadline will be randomly assigned one of a few electricity companies that have been pre-selected.