First, you’re probably wondering if there is a penalty for changing electric providers.
No. There is no switching fee unless you request a special meter reading at a time other than your regularly scheduled meter reading.
BIG CAVEAT: There can be penalties if you break an existing contract with an electric company. Be sure to review your Terms of Service agreement for details on your plan.
LUBBOCK: During the transition period, Lubbock residents and businesses will be able to shop and switch to a new electricity provider during the open registration period. If you do not choose a provider when the market opens up, you will be randomly assign a provider so that you are not left without power. When assigned a default provider (safety net provider), you can change to another provider without penalty.

If you decide to switch electricity companies or sign up with a new electric provider, how long will it take to switch?
After you sign up with a new provider, you will receive a postcard from ERCOT confirming the switch. Once you receive the confirmation, you have 3 business days to back out of it because the switch to your new provider will happen in 4-7 business days. There will be no lapse in your power or electricity service. You will receive your first electric bill from your new electric company on the following billing cycle.
You Have the Right to Cancel
As mentioned above, you may contact the electric company to cancel your switch within 3 business days from the time you receive your Terms of Service agreement. Even if you signed up online or didn’t even receive the Terms of Service agreement in the mail, you can cancel your switch or contract.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you cancel within 3 business days, you do not have to pay any penalties or fees even if they are stipulated in your Terms of Service agreement.

Electric companies must provide the following information and documents upfront:
Electricity Facts Label
This presents pricing information and contract terms in a standardized format so that you can compare offers.
Terms of Service Agreement
This is your contract. It informs you of the company’s contract terms and conditions.
Notice of Contract Expiration
Your electric company must notify you in writing at least 30 days or one billing cycle, and no more than 60 days or two billing cycles, from the end of your contract, stating when it will expire. IT is highly recommended that you renew service with your current electric service provider or select a new electricity provider before your contract ends to prevent being automatically switched to an expensive month-to-month, variable rate plan.
Your Rights as a Customer
This document informs you of your standard customer protections as mandated by the PUC.
Spanish-language Documents
All electric companies must make marketing materials, contracts, and customer information available in Spanish.

Force electricity companies to compete! Electricity providers will offer a lower price because they know they are competing for the business. This drives your price down…
Your Rights as An Open Market Electricity Customer
No matter which retail electric company you choose, the Public Utility Commission (PUC) of Texas will protect your rights. If you think you have been wrongeed, call the PUC’s toll-free Customer Hotline at 1-888-PUC-TIPS (1-888-782-8477).
Your rights include:
Non-discrimination: In addition to standard discrimination prohibitions, electricity companies cannot deny service or discriminate in the marketing of electric service based on (1) a customer’s income level, (2) location in an economically distressed area, or (3) qualification for low-income or energy efficiency services.
Landlords or third-party service companies cannot switch your electricity provider without your permission.
Electricity companies cannot add or hide charges to your electric bill for optional services without your permission.
You can file complaints about a retail electric company with the Public Utility Commission of Texas, and electric companies must promptly investigate customer complaints.
Electricity providers (utility providers in Texas) cannot release any of your information to other companies without your permission.